Arts Business Boot Camp
March 7-8, 2009
Haywood Community College
185 Freedlander Dr.
Student Center/Auditorium, Building #1500
Clyde, NC 28721 (20 minutes from Asheville NC)
Dear Artist,
You are registered for the Arts Business Boot Camp, Clyde, North Carolina, March 7-8. The Arts Business Boot Camp being held in partnership with the HandMade in America and Haywood Community College.
When you arrive at Haywood Community College (map below) please park in the first parking lot on the right of Freelander Drive. The conference will be held in the main Auditorium Building #1500 and the workshop will begin at 9:00am on Saturday March 7th and 10:00am on Sunday March 8th. Please arrive 50-30 minutes early to register.
Due to the large interest in market trends and opportunities I am ecstatic to announce that we are adding Wendy Rosen to the roster of presenters at the Arts Business Boot Camp! Wendy Rosen, founder of the Rosen Group and the Arts Business Institute, she will be offering seminars on social networking and market trends.
The Arts Business Boot Camp is tailored for 3 dimensional artists, 2 dimensional artists. We are very excited to be able to offer you a wide range of topics each day. All of the seminars presented by Wendy Rosen will be held in auditorium number one, all seminars held by Milon Townsend will be held in auditorium number two and all seminars presented by Nancy Markoe will be held in auditorium number three.
The full schedule is listed below for your convenience; you can choose your own path each day of the workshop. You are welcome to switch seminars through out the workshop. I recommend choosing your path before you arrive at the workshop.
If you registered in advance for a mentoring session, please check the list at registration. The time slots are subject to change, so please confirm your time slot on the day of your mentor session. Please be prepared for your mentoring session 5 minutes before your scheduled time.
As you can see, we have a busy schedule ahead of us! We’re glad you’re here, and hope that this weekend will put you on your path to Growing Your Business. If you have any questions, look for a faculty or staff member to point you in the right direction.
Meghan D. Bunnell
Executive Director
Arts Business Institute
Map of Haywood Community College
Mentor Sessions
(To have a one-on-one 15 minute mentor session, you must register on the ABI website)
Please arrive 5 minutes early for your mentor session. During this time you will be able to set up your materials. Please bring a portfolio of your work, marketing materials and anything you would like the mentors to review. Printed images are suggested; we will not have slide lights, so slides will be very hard to read. We prefer that you bring images and not the actual pieces.
Saturday March 7th, 2009
8:00- 9:00am.......Registration
9:00- 9:30am.......Opening Remarks, Wendy Rosen
9:40- 11:20am.......Pricing, Nancy Markoe
11:30am- 1:00pm......Relationships with Galleries, Nancy Markoe
11:30am- 1:00pm.......Creativity, Milon Townsend
11:30- 1:00am.......Web marketing Through Social Networking, Wendy Rosen
1:00- 2:00pm.......Lunch, Tour of Haywood Community College Craft Facilities
2:00- 3:30pm.......Creation and Evolution of a Wholesale Product Line, Milon Townsend
2:00am- 3:30pm .......Trends, Wendy Rosen
2:00- 3:30pm.......Display & Merchandising Techniques, Nancy Markoe
3:40- 5:00pm.......Vocabulary Voice and Vision, Milon Townsend
3:40- 5:00pm.......Finding Your Market, Nancy Markoe
5:00- 6:00pm.......One-on-One Mentoring
Sunday March 8th, 2009
10:00am- noon.......Salesmanship, Milon Townsend
10:00am- noon.......Trends, Wendy Rosen
Noon- 1:00pm.......Lunch
1:00- 2:30pm.......Keeping Up with the Economic Times, Milon Townsend
1:00- 2:30pm.......Display & Merchandising Techniques, Nancy Markoe
1:00- 2:30pm.......Trends, Wendy Rosen
2:40- 4:00.......Trends in the Market Place, panel discussion with local arts professionals
4:10- 4:30pm.......Closing Remarks
4:30- 5:00.......One-on-one Mentoring
Topics Description
Pricing, Nancy Markoe -- Pricing mistakes – selling your product for too much or too little, is the single greatest cause of business failures. Learn the formula to use in order to earn enough money to maintain an acceptable standard of living while accommodating your artistic inclinations. Price your work for profit!
Relationships with Galleries, Nancy Markoe -- Developing a successful relationship with a gallery is a two-way street. Discover what galleries expect from their artists, and how to make reordering easy for them. Find out how they mark-up your work, and why.
Display & Merchandising Techniques, Nancy Markoe -- The art of displaying works that enhance their special qualities and lead to sales. Creating the environment - details to ambiance.
Creativity, Milon Townsend -- Discusses 40 specific ways to access what should be a regular, everyday tool in the arsenal of every working artist. Seen as ephemeral, it becomes so. Seen as essential, useful tool, it becomes that, instead.
Creation and Evolution of a Wholesale Product Line, MilonTownsend -- Illustrates the power of working within established categories as a means to direct market access. Explains about breadth and depth; design evolution; discontinuing lines/items; price ceiling; selling in multiples; price points; many other points.
Vocabulary, Voice, and Vision, Milon Towsend -- Discusses the development of an artist's work, through the steps of vocabulary - the basic elements of artistic language; voice - the way that the artist chooses to use these vocabulary elements; and vision - the point at which one begins thinking in the language of art, and ideas come full-fledge to the mind. How do we help this process along?
Salesmanship, Milon Townsend -- Being a dynamic craft seller takes practice. Learn the methods that will help you improve your sales with all kinds of customers.
Keeping Up with the Economic Times, Milon Townsend -- Changing and adjusting your business model allowing you to continue to survive and new make exciting work.
Social Networking & Internet Marketing Beyond Facebook -- Learn how internet networking sites and online marketing can leverage your access to experts, galleries, corporate commissions and even museum acquisitions.
Trends: Staying Ahead of the Curve -- From product design and social experiences to the changes in the marketplace. Explore the source and nature of trends, how they impact your business and the work you create.
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7 years ago